If you can't beat them, join them
It's a popular trend among web developers to have a website and to showcase your projects. Here's how I did it.
Showcasing your own projects, even if they're only exercises or experiments, can give you a sense of accomplishment and it makes you define boundaries e.g. avoid feature creep.
My intention is to write posts about what my projects entail and why I worked on them.
Github pages
This blog is built using Github pages. Github pages allows you to use a Github repository that holds your files like you would any other project. Only this time any changes made to the master branch (or however you configured your project) will be visible on your website. This is great because it means you don't lose time with deploying your website.
Sass is also supported, which makes styling and managing your webpages' styles a lot more fun.
The real fun begins when you start using Jekyll. In layman's terms: you put files in the correct folders and Jekyll puts a site together for you.
All the webpages are static, which means there's nothing to hack, one less thing to worry about. You are still able to use includes which will save you development time in the long run.
Using Jekyll's front matter and the liquid template language you can set up your site so you have minimal work when adding content.
As I stated before, most of these projects will be exercises or experiments. I believe that in most cases there will be bugs/logical errors to be fixed and improvements to be made. If anyone finds anything, by all means contact me. The code for this blog is publicly available on Github.